Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Weight Update

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to share my weight loss journey with everyone-hoping that it would inspire other people who struggle with weight to re-gain control of their life.  It's been 2 years since my first weight-related blog post, so I thought it was about time for an update on how I'm doing.  I must warn you:  this could bore you to tears if you could really care less about my weight loss journey!  Sorry!
Hayride pic from October 2010
Me celebrating my 32nd birthday November 2010

In 2 Years...
As soon as the Miller Challenge was over in the fall of 2010, I didn't lose another pound.  Not one!  I struggled to even stay close to the weight I was at the end of the challenge for about 9 months, but in the fall of 2011 it started creeping back up again.  From the fall of 2010 to about a month ago, I managed to gain back all of the weight I lost plus 8 lbs.  

The Un-Doing
You might ask, "How does that happen?  Why would you un-do all of your hard work?"  The answer:  frustration.  After 6 months of working my butt off, the holidays came and I decided to take a little "break."  After the holidays were over, I had gained about 8lbs, but that wasn't that concerning to me.  In February 2011, I started back on the program, but this time, nothing happened.  I would give it a week or so, see no results, and then go back to eating things I wasn't supposed to be eating every day.  This cycle repeated itself over and over.  I would workout more-nothing.  I was going to the gym 5 days a week, lifting weights and doing cardio, and seeing no results on the scale OR in my clothes.  I went to the Dr., had blood tests done, and worked out harder with no success.  So, I just gave up and went back to eating junk and not working out at all.

July 4th 2012
August 2012
The problem?  At the time I didn't understand, but now it's very clear.  With the help of my cousin, Trish, and (believe it or not) the TV show Extreme Makeover:  Weight Loss Edition, I started to see where I went wrong.  First of all, I had stopped eating several smaller meals throughout the day and began eating 2 or 3 big meals.  Secondly, I had let the old habit of eating junk food back into my life.  I had lost my willpower and I was trying to make up for it by exercising harder.  It didn't work. 

I'm Back!
For no logical reason other than God's amazing grace, I have finally re-gained the focus and determination that I had 2 years ago when I started Body For Life (and lost 44lbs).  I have prayed for that for a long time, and it appears that God's timing was-now!

After watching the Extreme Makeover show, I bought a book called Choose To Lose by Chris Powell (the trainer from Extreme Makeover).  I read it cover to cover and was bummed at first-it was a lot like Body For Life (still eating small meals throughout the day, still working out 6 days/week, still get a day to eat whatever you want).  I thought, "Oh great!  This didn't work for me before, it's not going to work for me now."  As I read on, I discovered that there are some major differences.  One difference is that you alternate between high carb and low carb days-called carb cycling.  Another difference is that there is a big emphasis on "eating clean," which is limiting the amount of processed foods and eating only whole, natural foods-something I was looking into anyway.  The biggest difference is that this man has worked with the "super-obese" and helped people lose over 200lbs!  He has a solution for the "dieter's plateau" and an entire section on "troubleshooting."  I felt like THAT was the missing ingredient for me; BFL was a 12 week program for losing 25-30lbs and this was a life-long solution!

Where I'm At Now
I have been doing carb-cycling for 4 weeks now; I have lost a total of 13lbs and my clothes are fitting better!  I won't lie-it's the hardest thing I have ever done.  Each night, I plan out everything I am going to eat the next day (5 meals a day to plan!).  I have to prepare everything I'm going to eat instead of grabbing a box from the freezer or a can from the cabinet.  I have more dishes from measuring and portioning out food than ever before!  However, I am eating healthier than I have my entire life-eating only whole, natural foods 6 days a week.  I still thoroughly enjoy my day to eat whatever I want, but I honestly feel so terrible the next day, I don't mind getting back into the carb cycle (I think that's part of the reason he encourages you to "go big" one day a week).  I am back to doing interval cardio workouts 6 days a week and doing a 10 minute toning workout 3 days a week.

The best part is that I am back to feeling great and being a healthy example to my kids.  Ben is at the age now where he understands my struggle with weight, and he encourages me by walking, jogging, or going on bike rides with me (we did a 6.9 mile bike ride last week!).  I am cooking at home 6 nights a week, and everyone is really enjoying the new foods that we are eating.

I'll keep you posted on my progress each month, thanks for reading!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Come On, Gurl! Pt. 2

Well, I didn't think it would take long to get another installment of Come On, Gurl!  My life is filled with these precious moments.  Kings Island is full of sights and experiences that leave me scratching my head.  You may think that with Kings Island closing soon, the number of entries will go down.  I doubt it!

While visiting Kings Island for the last time, Lauren and I went to the bathroom.  Whenever we go to the bathroom at a big place, I always make her stay with me in the same stall.  The problem:  Lauren always has to go first and then taunts me by starting to unlock the stall door as soon as my pants are down-and I'm at my most vulnerable.  When she did it this time, I said, "Lauren!  Why do you always do this to me?"  Before she could answer, I hear a voice from the next stall over: "My son always does that to me, too.  Last time we went to Target, he left his stall door open and someone came in on him.  He was freaking out!"

Speaking of freaking out, I know my eyes bulged a little bit.  There are two problems with that story:  1) That was not an example of your kid opening the stall door on you and 2) You're talking to a total stranger in a public restroom while sitting on a toilet.  Really?  Are we really going to share stories while we sit on a toilet,  pants around our knees, the faint smell of feces in the air, separated only by a thin wall of steel?  Is it just me or could that story have waited for hand-washing time?  

Anyone who knows me knows I love to talk, but even I draw the line at toilet talking to strangers!  

Come on, Gurl!!!!