Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saying Goodbye...

Today, Mark and I said "goodbye" to our dog, Mooky.  He was such a special dog, and we are completely heartbroken.

Mooky was born November 26, 1997 and was euthanized October 27, 2012.  He got to spend his last moments at home, eating hot dogs, pizza, bacon, and Chips Ahoy cookies.  It was just Mark and I in his last moments, just like it had been when we got him nearly 14 years ago.

In his memory, I thought I would include a photo scrapbook of our time with Mooky.

This is a photo of Mooky when I first got him from UC, May 1999
Mooky's first exam @ Madeira Veterinary Hospital
Mooky was my first attempt at being a nurturing mother.  He went everywhere I went for nearly 3 years!
I used to lay with him and imagine how sad this day would be.  My imagination didn't compare to the real thing.
This picture was taken the day I brought Ben home from the hospital.  Mooky was so happy to see me, I'd been gone for 2 days!
We were nervous at first, wondering how Mooky would handle a baby.  We learned very quickly that he would never hurt him.
Mooky liked to be close to Ben, probably because I was always close by.

Mooky was very tolerant of that little boy.  He poked him, pulled his tail, fell on him, handed him his dog food one kernel at a time-not once did he growl at him or bite him, even when I think he should have!

A boy and his dog.

Just when Ben stopped tormenting him, another baby came along!

All the kids
Mooky was happy that Lauren wasn't as "active" as Ben was.
Well, she still took advantage of his sweet disposition...
Mooky began losing his hearing and vision in 2009.  
I started noticing that Mooky was getting sick in late 2010.  It was confirmed in January 2011 that he had kidney disease. 
Mooky began to sleep a lot more, and it became hard for him to get around due to his arthritis.  

Mooky was a one-of-a-kind dog that changed my life.  If it weren't for him (and the other dogs at UC) I would not have gained the hands-on experience that I needed to be a good technician.  He showed me what unconditional love was, and was the most loyal, forgiving dog I have ever known.  He provided me with comfort so many times that a human couldn't-just by sitting next to me and leaning into my side.  In the end, he taught me the most important thing a dog owner has to be able to do:  let go.

I can't describe to you what it felt like to be the one giving him the final injection that would stop his heart.  It was the hardest thing I have had to endure to date, and I wish I never would have to endure this again.  Unfortunately, I know that I will have another dog one day, and the cycle will start all over again.  One thing I know for sure, there will never be another Mooky.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes...

Wow.  What a week-and it's only Wednesday!

On Monday, Mark called me at work and informed me that he had been let go from his job.  I thought he was kidding (because it's Mark), but quickly found out he wasn't.  I completely fell apart, and I thank God for the co-workers I have who gave me hugs, empathy, offered help, and just let me talk and express my concerns and feelings.  I work for an amazing man, and after 14 years, my co-workers are family to me (as well as some of the best friends I've ever had).  

In the two days since, time seems to be standing still.  There seems to be so much to do; so many people to call and  so many bills that need reviewed to see where we can cut costs.  There are so many decisions that affect the kids, and that's what is so hard for us.  For example, we realized that we had to pull Lauren out of preschool.  It's $135/week that we can no longer afford.  That makes both of us feel terrible because she loves going there, but it doesn't make good sense to spend that much money when Mark is at home all day. I hate having to change her world, yet again; she just got used to preschool!  Other things like: do we need to get rid of all luxuries like cable, our cell phones, etc.-which I think would technically make us Amish.  Ugh.

I'll keep you posted on how things are going.  One thing all of you can do for us is pray to the one person who can help us through this-Jesus Christ.  I have faith that God is with us, and I know that he will provide for us as long as we are willing to do our part.  

Thank You, 
Kelly (and Mark)