Friday, November 23, 2012

Starting Over

Before I put Mooky to sleep, I said I would probably wait a long time to get another animal.  I was wrong.

Meet the newest member of the White family:  Gadget.

After saying goodbye to Mooky, I was heartbroken.  I could not believe how sad I was and how much I missed that old dog.  He didn't do much, mostly slept, but I soon realized that I always knew he was there.  For 14 years, he was a constant presence and source of unconditional love, and I grieved for that bond so badly.  

I began going to the Hamilton County SPCA in Blue Ash and Northside, checking out all of the available dogs and puppies.  I saw a ton of adult dogs that I would've loved to adopt, but I really wanted the kids to experience having a puppy, and at the ages they are, this would be the last opportunity.  With no available puppies at the SPCA, I searched and looked through pages and pages of pictures.  I swore I wanted a dog that looked nothing like Mooky, but I quickly realized that my eyes went right towards the hound faces on every page I pulled up.  Finally, I found a picture of a dog under the heading of "E-puppies" at The Peppermint Pig Thrift and Gift.  Yes, it's part thrift store, part animal rescue.  My friend, Sandy and I drove out there after work and walked in to see this:

I was a little nervous at first that this was some sort of puppy mill operation.  I lifted out the puppy I came for (his name was Earl), and he struggled to stay awake for me.  While I held him, Sandy asked the owner questions about where she got the animals, etc.  I am pleased to tell you, this lady is the real deal.  She truly rescues adult dogs and cats as well as puppies and kittens that would either be sent to the SPCA or destroyed.  Everything worked out beautifully, and I knew it was meant to be.

I brought him home on Lauren's 5th birthday.  After Lauren opened her gifts, I had Ben a read a note that was in an envelope addressed to him and Lauren.  It read:

Ben and Lauren.
It's been 3 weeks since we said goodbye, and I miss you very much.  I know you have been missing me, too, but don't worry-Heaven is worth the wait-it's awesome!
With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming soon, I wanted to give you someone who would make you happy. I know he will never replace me, but I know you will love him and treat him as good as you did me.


They were very surprised and excited.  Ben kept telling me all night that I was the best Mommy in the whole world!  I'll take it any way I can get it-I'm not above bribery!!

Gadget is doing really well, and we are thoroughly enjoying having a puppy again.  I haven't had a puppy since 1989, when my parents got Missy!  He is a lot of fun, and is helping all of our hearts to heal from the loss of Mooky.  

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