Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday LJ!

Dear Lauren, 

Today is your 3rd birthday!  You were born @ 12:30am on Saturday, November 17, 2007.  You weighed 7lbs 6oz and were 20 1/2" long.  You were born a little before your due date because you were due to be born the day before Thanksgiving, and no one wanted to be in a hospital on Thanksgiving!  Mommy went to the hospital to be induced at 11:00am on November 16th, and you were born about 13 hours later!  You were easy on Mommy AND didn't pull any umbilical cord stunts like your brother!

I was so excited to have a daughter!  I was dreaming of all the fun things we will do together in our lifetime.  

When you were born, you looked like this:
To put it mildly, you were NOT HAPPY!  Apparently, you were pretty comfy in Mommy's belly!  The first thing I noticed when I saw your face was your lips.  I knew that you had gotten those from me...

We took you home and began to get to know you.  You were a lot like your brother at first; you didn't like to sleep at night and you drank A LOT of formula.  We got used to having a baby in the house again, since we hadn't had a newborn in 5 1/2 years!
look at those cheeks!
You were growing and doing well, and all of a sudden @ 8 weeks old, you got sick.  Mommy wasn't sure what was wrong, but I felt like I shouldn't panic, because I was "experienced."  You had a fever, you were breathing hard, and would only sleep in your car seat that night.  I called the pediatrician's office first thing in the morning and got an appointment.  I wasn't too worried, I just thought you had a little bug.  Much to my surprise, the Dr. told me that he thought you needed to go to Children's Hospital!  Mommy began to panic, then...

I picked up your brother from preschool and called your Daddy.  We sent Ben to Mamaw & Papaw Miller's house and headed down to Children's Hospital.  You were admitted right away to the ER, and then they moved us to ICU.  I was REALLY worried when the doors opened to the ICU and 7 people were standing there in gowns and masks waiting for you.  They took you out of my arms and began hooking you up to machines.  You were crying really hard, and so was Mommy!  Daddy and I were really worried that you might not come home again...
Ben made you a Get Well card for your crib
You were diagnosed with bronchiolitis and RSV.  You had to stay on oxygen and have your nose suctioned out every hour for 24 hours.  You HATED the suction; Mommy and Daddy hated seeing you so upset.  We prayed and prayed to God to work through the doctors and nurses to heal you.  We slept in bed with you every night, and only left your side to spend some time with Benny when he came to visit with Mamaw & Papaw.  Finally, you started to get better!!!!  You were there for 4 days and it is safe to say, those were the scariest 4 days of Mommy & Daddy's lives!  Every February 4th, I thank God for healing you and letting us have the joy of raising you.  

You have continued to grow and show your personality more and more each day.  

We love seeing the differences between you and Ben.  You love fruits and vegetables, you are a little quieter (not much) than Ben, you are more cautious around people that you don't know, you love to listen to stories at bedtime, and you love to cuddle with Mommy & Daddy.  You say all the time, "I like you, Mommy."  You love to be the boss and give instructions.  You love to watch Max & Ruby, have your toenails (you call them "potails") painted, go on bike rides, play at the park, and you love to make us laugh.  You are a lot like your brother in that way!

The most fun thing about you is seeing how much you love your brother.  You two became best friends early on.  Ben was so sweet with you and loved to help me with you when you were a baby.  You are still best buds, even though you get on each other's nerves sometimes.  
On your 3rd birthday, I just want you to know how much we love you!  You have made our family so special, just by being you.  You are funny, sweet, and usually a joy to be around (although sometimes when you're tired or hungry you can be a total grump!).  You are starting to get an attitude, and right now, Mommy thinks it's really funny.  I'm sure it won't be so funny very soon...

Here are some pictures of your 3rd birthday party.  It was a lot of fun!  
helping to mix the cupcakes
ready to blow out your birthday cupcake!
enjoying your new bike

Happy Birthday, Lauren!

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