Monday, November 1, 2010

Catching up!

So, I know it seems like I fell off the face of the earth, but I had a bad week last week.  I developed cellulitis (check it out on Wikipedia) on my chin, most likely caused by (get ready for the ewww) me trying to squeeze a "blemish."  I know, I know...I'm hot.

All jokes aside, it was THE MOST painful thing I have ever been through-and I'm putting childbirth in this comparison, people!!!  It felt like I had undergone surgery on my face, but instead of feeling better each day, it kept getting worse.  I couldn't eat, talk, sneeze, or smile without feeling pain.  I finally went to the Dr. on Friday and was started on antibiotics and Vicodin for the pain.  Of course, the Vicodin made me sick (as do all narcotics) which made it feel even better...  Oh well, I'm back to blogging now!

The Class Party
Despite the level of pain I was in and the fact that I was doing a sweet Marlon Brando impression, I helped out in Ben's class for his Halloween party on Friday.  I talked to Ben about possibly bringing Lauren along and he was super-excited.  She did pretty well, but I don't know that I will do that next time.  As soon as we pulled up to the school, she saw the playground and wanted to play.  I told her she would have to be good in Ben's class if she wanted to play, which of course made her grumpy.  

As we entered the classroom, the woman who was in charge of the party informed me I would be at the snack table.  Immediately, I felt a sense of relief-I wasn't at any of the craft tables!    

Showing off the new tats
cupcake time!

Ben had a good time making crafts, getting Halloween tattoos, and playing games.  Lauren spent the majority of the time trying to play in the classroom sink and making a break for the door to get to the playground.  All  in all, it was a lot of fun to meet some of the kids that I hear so much about!  One kid tried to bite my arm after telling me he was going to be a vampire for Halloween!

reward time!

The Doctor
After the party, we went to the Dr. for Ben's medicine check up.  Again, Lauren took center stage by trying to push the chair over to the paper-covered exam table to climb on it.  There I sat, trying to hold down a chair that a 2 1/2 year old is vigorously jerking on while answering questions and giving feedback to the Dr.  The Dr. finally yelled out (in a funny voice), "HEY!  Leave my chair alone, it didn't do anything to you!!!"  Lauren shot him a look of death, yet the Dr. was unafraid.  She then went and opened the drawer with the supplies in it (why don't they have them LOCKED or at least child-proof????) to which he stopped again and yelled (in the same, funny voice), "HEY!  Leave my stuff alone-I don't share!"  I love this guy!  Seriously, he's the best pediatrician in the world!

It's the time of year for the flu vaccines and both kids were due.  Ben usually gets the nasal mist and I figured Lauren would do better with the shot.  Frankly, I thought it would be a nice payback for the chair-jerking, drawer-raiding behavior!  Needless to say, she was not happy when we left.  

I was feeling much better when I woke up on Sunday morning, thank goodness.  I was able to go out trick-or-treating with the kids which is one of my favorite things to do as a parent! 

I felt bad for Ben because everywhere we went, people were yelling, "BARNEY!"  Next year, we will have to go with a more original costume, I guess...

Barney & Iron Man

our graveyard
Mark spent most of the day making our porch and front yard look scary.  Unfortunately, someone stole his Texas Chainsaw Massacre mask later that night!

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