Friday, March 11, 2011

Had Enough!

As I mentioned in my last post, I have really been struggling on my weight loss journey. I was reading over my weight loss entry from November, and I had this sinking feeling as I read it:  Who was that?  I feel so far away from that person right now; I was strong, full of energy, full of optimism.  For the first time in a long time I have taken a long, hard look at who I've become since the end of the weight loss challenge-now that the only grand prize is me getting to goal weight.

I am mentally preparing to get back on track next week and, since this is basically my diary, I thought I would write an honest question & answer segment for myself.  My answers might sound a lot like what you would answer if you asked yourself the same questions.  My hope is that I might encourage someone else out there who reads my blog and is struggling with weight loss to really think about what you are doing to yourself.  


  • Not having to plan ahead
  • Eating food that tastes good great
  • Watching TV all night long
  • Getting my way


  • LOOKING LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Stomach aches/feeling sick
        • The way people look at me when I'm eating food they know I shouldn't be eating
        • The way I talk to myself/lie to myself/feel helpless
        • My clothes getting tighter
        • Hiding from all cameras (see above!)
        • Feeling lazy
        • Feeling guilty 

  • Confidence
  • Time by myself/time to think
  • Feeling strong/powerful
  • Fitting into smaller sizes-quickly
  • Eating food that makes me feel good after I eat it, instead of tired
  • Being in control 
  • Getting FULL
  • Seeing myself in pictures/on video and not cringing
  • Feeling muscle where there once was none
  • Being a good example to others, especially Ben
  • Compliments/people noticing my hard work
  • Looking forward with enthusiasm
  • Saving money on eating in restaurants
  • Not finishing food off the kids' plates
  • Jogging/riding my bike outside
It's no surprise that the list of what I enjoy about being healthy outweighs the list of what I enjoy about being unhealthy by A LOT.  Monday will be a new day!  I will get back to the wife and mother I was meant to be, back to the life I want to live.  If you are struggling also, join me!  We can do this together. 

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog. Good ideas and tips. I can't help thinking that it is about "Time". Let's face it, if a person had all of the time in the world and was Publishers Clearing House Rich, then a schedule could be developed and your day could start with exercise, then a healthy breakfast(prepared slowly and smart), then activities of your choice, followed by a pre lunch run or swim, then a short nap, then more of what you want to do, followed by a weight lifting routine, healthy supper then rest. But since we cannot do this we have to cram or fit this routine into our busy lives. If we can solve this dilema, then we can lose weight and be healthy. Exercise before work, prepare food the night before, come home, prepare a healthy dinner,go for a walk, then balance this all within a 12 hour time frame. It can be done but you need help from your spouse if you have one, especially if you have children. Time, balance, discipline,goal driven,priority, focus, and fun.
