Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lauren's First Dental Visit

My big girl is almost 4, so I thought it was about time she go to the dentist.  I talked to her about it a year ago and she was completely terrified, but all of a sudden, she told me one day, "I'm not afraid to go to the dentist anymore."  See?  This is what lazy parenting gets you, people!  If you wait to do things long enough,  they will come around!

She got to experience all of the usual dental visit routines, including catching up on Will and Kate's US tour...

After watching her brush her teeth, they sat her in the chair and put sunglasses on her (to keep her comfortable with the bright light shining in her eyes).  She had everyone in the palm of her hand in minutes!

The hygienist went to work and Lauren did great!  There was a little boy losing his mind 2 chairs over from her and she asked me, "What is wrong with him?"  Then she said (with a somewhat smug look on her face), "He must be scared."  

The hygienist and the dentist talked to Lauren about getting rid of her pacifier-yes, she STILL uses a paci at night (and in the car, and when she gets home from the babysitter's).  I know, we are the worst parents ever, call 241-KIDS now!  The dentist said to Lauren, "Lauren, we need to talk about something that you like to put in your mouth, what is that?"  She smiled at him and replied, "A TOOTHBRUSH!"  Everyone started laughing, he looked at Mark and I and said, "She's going to be a politician!"  

The truth is, Ben was very easy to break from the paci; he just gave it to the Easter Bunny, asked for it once, done.  Remember that lazy parenting thing?  That has always worked with Ben; if we didn't push, he would eventually do it on his own.  He was off the paci around 2, potty trained around 3-pretty typical but a little slower than others.  Lauren is very different than him.  She has tried to give it to the Easter Bunny, then to Santa Claus, but she falls apart the next night.  I know we should be more stern with her about it, but when I talk to her, she makes me feel horrible!   After telling her she needed to get rid of it one day she said, "Why?  It's my friend."  Today we talked about giving it to the "Paci Fairy" so another baby could have it.  She said, "I like babies, but I like my paci better."  At least she's honest!

So the task is in front of us: to gradually wean her from her paci.  The dentist recommended we start shaving off a sliver of it every night so that she feels that is doesn't work anymore, making it easier for her to give up.  If any of you moms out there have good advice for paci removal, let me know!

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