Saturday, February 25, 2012

Out of Hiding

Wow, it's been nearly SIX months since my last blog entry!  I felt like I was too busy to write, but as I look back through my pictures I think, "What was I doing?"


The Ides of March debuted October 13th!  Mark's part made it in the film-it's pretty much one of the last scenes of the movie, so keep watching for him!  It was so exciting to see him in a major Hollywood production; I had the biggest smile on my face when I first saw him appear on film.  I am so excited for him to have had this experience.  It's something neither of us will ever forget! 

We did our annual pumpkin patch trip to Shaw Farm in mid-October.  As usual, everyone had a great time!  All of the kids got their faces painted, and this year, they had a giant combine for the kids to climb on and explore.  

This year, Ben dressed up as a ghoul and Lauren was a princess (Ariel to be exact) for Halloween.  Mark decorated the porch again and scared more children.  
Ben played his third season of Upward Flag Football.  His team didn't do very well this year, but Ben has improved with each season.  He says he wants to play tackle football this year, but we don't think that's going to happen.  Mom and Dad kind of like his brain in-tact.

November brought a big change for our family.  Mark left his job at Napa Auto Parts (which he had been at for nearly 8 years) and began working for  KOI (Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana) Auto Parts.  The company has been a complete blessing for our family.  They pay him more, they offer much cheaper (and better) health benefits than we currently have, and most importantly, they appreciate him and respect his input and ideas.  

Lauren celebrated her 4th birthday!  It's hard to believe that she will be starting preschool this fall :(.  She is such a delight to our family; I love to listen to how she talks!  Mark and I have discussed having another baby, but we feel that our family is complete, now.  Thanks, LJ, for making that happen!

Thanksgiving dinner was celebrated as usual at our house (NO pictures available).  We had received some scary news about the health of someone in our family, and it really hit home how thankful we should be for every day that we get to live this life.  

Sadly, I have NO pictures available from Christmas.  This is why I need to blog often-it forces me to take pictures!!!!

We had a great Christmas this year.  We talked to Ben about Santa Claus because he asked if he was real or not.  We figured it was time.  As sad as that was, it was kind of fun to let him be in on the secret; we let him help us set up Lauren's gifts and put cookies out.  Now we wonder, how long will he be a good big brother and let his sister believe?  

January brought excitement over my friend, Casey's upcoming wedding!  We held a bridal shower at my work and had a good time celebrating with her.

The other BIG news is that Mark quit smoking!!!!  He did it before for nearly two years, let's hope that this time it sticks!  Way to go, Mark!

Casey's wedding was on February 4th.  It was a lot of fun and everyone looked wonderful-especially Casey & Jimmy!  

Mooky is still doing well.  We seem to have figured out the right combination of meds to keep him feeling well.  Now, if he could just remember that he goes to the bathroom OUTside, we would be great.

Currently, I am struggling badly with managing my weight.  I kept off all but 4-8lbs of the weight I lost in 2010 until this fall.  I started to gain a decent amount of weight back-quickly.  To date, I have gained back 24lbs.  I can't tell you how much that hurts to admit, but if I am going to celebrate the successes, I have to be honest when I am defeated.  And right now, I am defeated.  There are so many things I would love to blame it on, but the fact is, I got stuck at a certain number on the scale for too long, and lost confidence in myself and my ability to move past it.  I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to spring and summer, when I can get back to outdoor exercise.  Please, keep me in your prayers.  I really need them right now!

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