Thursday, January 6, 2011

Weight Loss Update

Well, it’s been 2 months since the end of the weight loss challenge, so I thought I should give an update on my progress.

I basically stayed the same (+ or – 3lbs) until about mid-December when I decided I was going to enjoy the holidays and eat whatever I wanted through Christmas.  I told myself that I would continue to exercise to offset the increase in calories.  As soon as I began to “enjoy” the holidays, I began to feel too tired to exercise every day.  “Christmas” turned into January 1st…then January 3rd.   I started getting a bit worried that I was losing my focus and determination; more worried that I wouldn’t be able to get it back.  Heck, it took me 10 years to find this determination in the first place, how stupid could I be to squander it?!?!  The weird thing is, I would get this rush every time I would prepare to eat something unhealthy.  It was almost like a drug for me; like I was doing something bad and I was getting away with it.  All of this food that I thought was sooooo delicious rarely tasted as good as I remembered it.  What happened?  Shouldn’t I be loving it?  I’ve been waiting to eat Esther Price candy for 8 months!

The fact is, I realized it wasn’t worth it.  It tasted okay, but it wasn’t worth losing myself.  I am no longer okay with feeling tired all of the time.  I’m no longer content feeling fat and lazy.  I no longer shrug off having to take Zantac at night before bed and falling asleep sitting up due to indigestion.  Basically, I expect more out of life, now.  I expect to have energy and feel good about myself - and I will settle for nothing less. 
So…back on the wagon I went.  The good news is, I realized that I truly have changed my lifestyle.  I can say that with confidence because as of Monday, I have been eating and exercising with the focus and determination that I had when I began the program in May.  I am eating my “authorized” foods and doing the cardio & weight training exercise regimen every night.  As you can imagine, I feel great already.  I have gotten my energy back and I feel in control of my life once again. 

My question is:  why do we do this to ourselves?  Why do we tell ourselves it’s going to make us happy eating a bunch of unhealthy food and sitting on the couch watching TV all night?  I have yet to meet someone who begins a healthy eating & exercise program that says, “I feel so much worse now, this is awful!”  We know it’s going to make us feel better, so why do we put it off?  

I’ll keep you posted on my progress, I weigh in on Tuesday.  Thanks for sticking with me!  I promise to be honest about my weight loss journey, especially since I got so many comments about how inspirational my weight loss blog entry was.   I won’t make it out like this is sooo easy for me or that I’m doing everything perfectly, ‘cause I’m not.   As I said in my first weight loss entry, I still have a long way to go!  My favorite quote when it comes to losing weight is, “It’s not about perfection, it’s about perseverance.”  I expect to have setbacks, but I can't make them permanent!

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