Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bike Ride

Tonight, Ben and Mark went to another Boy Scout meeting, so I got to spend some QT with my girlie.  We went on a bike ride down our street; it's one of our favorite things to do!  I have begun riding my bike ~2.7 miles, 3 days a week for exercise.  The kids would take a bike ride every night, if they could.  Now is the perfect time of year to spend the evening outside, enjoying the beautiful fall colors and crisp air.  Did I mention I love the fall?
Mooky even got to come along for some exercise!  He keeps up really well for being almost 14 years old.  
It's kind of hard to see, but this is the "big hill" that the kids like to ride down.  I know, I'm a horrible mother for not putting a helmet on her before we left.  I completely forgot-until we got to "big hill," of course!

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