Monday, December 6, 2010

Bengals Game

On Sunday, I was fortunate enough to spend the day with my cousin, Jeremy, at the Bengals vs. Saints game at Paul Brown Stadium.  We had awesome seats in the "Club West" section.  It was only 30 degrees outside, but I was pretty comfortable throughout the entire game!  The Bengals lost (of course), but they did keep it interesting.  The final score was 34-30.  
It honestly didn't matter to me whether they won or lost because I was so happy to spend some time with Jeremy.  We grew up in the same neighborhood so we had more of a brother/sister relationship.  He was always the one beating up on me, throwing beetle-covered tennis balls at my head in a pool, making fun of me, telling potential boyfriends that I had never kissed a boy (I hadn't-but they didn't need to know that!), or my favorite, closing the door to his house when he saw me walking towards it!  Yes, Jeremy was quite the brother...but as we got older, he became one of my best friends.  We have a lot of fun memories together-one of my favorites was "Cousins Christmas" at my sister's house.  All of the cousins got together and watched home movies of Christmas, made fun of our parents (okay, mostly Uncle Terry wearing spandex) and laughed until we cried.  

Our family gets together a lot, but now that most of us have children, it's really hard to get to talk in complete sentences!  There have been gatherings where I've barely spoken to some of the people that were a huge part of my childhood.  That's why I am thankful to have gotten a piece of it back, yesterday.  Jeremy is still so much fun to be around.  He is smart, a great listener, and he always makes me laugh.  I love you, Jer!

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